Monday 17 June 2013

The Infinity of Life

The edge of the morning is a special and potent time of day. As the dawn light gently caresses the whispering trees and kisses the earth with tender warmth, a powerful silence emerges full of sound, energy and life. In those few moments there is a sense that, after the slumber of the night, everything is fully alive once again; every tree, every flower, every rock, every sound and every atom stirs and awakens. In such moments of pure unadulterated connection to All there Is, it is as though the Universe itself has awoken and taken a full and conscious deep inhalation of life.

Many never notice the edge of the morning as life is so focused on keeping on keeping on and there is no time to connect to the infinite possibilities contained in those few moments. Yet, when we consciously choose to open up our hearts, minds and souls to the vibration and energy of these few moments, the energy somehow becomes more tangible to work with and articulate. It is as though we bathe in the infinity and we become a more conscious part of it. Of course, even if we do not notice the edge of the morning, we are still a part of the infinity of the Universal Whole, but when we become conscious of it everything changes, for we expand and become One with something quite amazing.

Yielding to this powerful feeling of connection seems so important now as we continue to coalesce and unify with Divinity. The process of awakening to our true magnificence is a journey of many layers and many levels, and it is on this journey that we realise that we no longer have anything to prove in order to become Whole as we realise and accept (wholeheartedly) that we are already Whole. Such a recognition may seem small or insignificant, but it takes us away from feeling incomplete, broken or damaged to a place of feeling alive, connected and complete.

Whilst we all have experiences in life that can create cracks and chips, voids and sometimes enormous chasms within, when we are connected, we know that every single experience matters, as every single one makes up the Whole. In other words, everything matters and we no longer need to push away those aspects of our Selves or our lives that have challenged us, as we instead breathe them in and re-absorb them into our essence. This is not the same as wallowing in the pain or the challenges though, as this carries a different vibration: one of acceptance and gratitude.

Acceptance and gratitude may feel hard to muster when life gives us lemons, but when we shift our perception we begin to realise that even the lemons bring us strength, context and meaning. So many of us try so hard to push away the pain, trying to dissolve it or remove it, but when we make the conscious decision to re-absorb it with tenderness and love, the vibration changes and softens, and we shift from chasing completion to being complete.

At the same time, the more we let Spirit into our lives, the more we feel the connection to the infinity of life and if we allow ourselves to be in the moment and to enjoy the experience, we let those barriers down and feel every single cell within vibrating with energy and divinity. If we become grateful for such connections, our hearts, minds and souls open up like new buds responding to the light.

When we step consciously into moments of pure magic and infinity, there is a sense that time slows for a while as everything moves in slow focus; it is as though the Universe slows for a while to allow us to take in just a tiny taster of what it is to be fully awake and aware of Everything. In normal time, such awareness isn’t possible for there is simply too much to absorb, but as time slows, we inhale infinity and this transports us to a completely new level of awareness and life.

It is so important that we choose to give ourselves the gift of grateful presence and to take the time to pause in these moments as they remind us that we are alive and integral parts of the Whole. Sometimes, when we step briefly out of the ‘flow’, we become aware of the discord in our lives and this can help us to see the bigger picture and inspire us to make adjustments in order to re-align and re-centre.

When the dawn light caresses the trees and awakens the earth, do the birds press the snooze button to get another 10 minutes of slumber or do the flowers wonder whether blossoming is really worth the effort? Do the trees stop growing because they are too worried about what lies in their day ahead?

It is so easy for us to become consumed by linear thoughts and by angst, over-thinking and analysis that we forget to do what we were born to do: to breathe, to live and to be. When we embrace the infinity of life, we realise that we are part of a cycle that keeps on turning, whether we are conscious of it or not, but by becoming conscious we open up to living more whole-heartedly and more vibrantly, for we are allowing ourselves to become One with ourselves and with infinity.

Whilst such words sound great, it can sometimes be hard to feel their appropriateness when life feels uphill and hard work, but when we pause and open up to the magic and divinity, our perception shifts and we realise that it is our birthright to live consciously and it is our destiny to blossom. The meaning of this is unique to each and every one of us, but when we feel the vibration of these words, we intuitively bring together the concepts of Self and infinity into a beautiful, cohesive and magnificent One...

 ‘And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom’. Anais Nin

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Journey Home

As we continue to excavate and dig deeply within, it seems that many of us have found ourselves in unfamiliar territory as we have opened up our minds, bodies and souls to the Truth of the closets, the nooks and the crannies within. Such intense self-reflection and introspection has taken us into some long dark nights of the soul as we have explored our spiritual cellars and vaults, and found the courage to pull back the cobwebs to reveal the Truth of what lies within.

Such an experience has left many of us feeling as though we are on the outside peering into the windows of our lives; slightly disconnected and out of sync with reality. It is as though our inner worlds and outer worlds are moving at different speeds and it has been immeasurably difficult to bring the two back into alignment. As a result, many of us have felt discombobulated and unable to ‘make sense’ of the feelings of discord and fragmentation both around and within.

At the same time, there is great confusion; on one level we feel fragmented and disconnected but on another level we feel more integrated than ever before! It is therefore no surprise that so many of us are feeling out of sync because, in Truth, we are out of sync.

On one hand we are becoming ever more intimate with the Universe but deep within ourselves we cannot know where this will take us in life. As we look at our realities we feel discontent that we are not living in heaven on earth nor do we have all that we perceive we need in order to be truly happy, and yet this is a sign that we are missing the point, for as soon as we start to feel incomplete that we do not, as yet, have it all, we move further away from heaven on earth to a place of increasing discontent; we get trapped on a cycle of diminishing opportunity.

Of course intuitively we know that life is full of infinite possibilities and yet we can so easily disconnect with this as we focus on the discord and try to ‘fix it’ as best as we can. This is human nature, but it also leaves us tied up in knots as we focus on trying to move away from being out of sync rather than simply observe the process and trusting that we are out of sync for a reason. We all know that our beliefs shape, define and create our reality, so, if we focus on the problem (i.e. being out of sync) then we make this the centre of our world.

Perhaps we now need to consider the benefits of what being out of sync can bring us? We may feel a sense of discord and a sense that we are on the outside looking in, and we may feel like we are somehow behind soundproof glass or indoors within our Selves, but instead of trying to resist this altered state, maybe we need to become even more conscious of it in order to see where it is trying to lead us in life? In other words, what are the fringe benefits of our current situation and can we shift from feelings of struggle to feelings of acceptance, empowerment and re-alignment?

The overall energy and vibration at the current time is quite inspirational and liberating, but the more we focus on feeling disconnected, the less able we are to catch the wave and enjoy the ride. Life might not be a bed of roses, for roses have thorns, weeds grow and all flowers wither and die in the fullness of time, but this is a part of life. So, instead of fighting the natural flow perhaps it is time to travel with it and allow the separation between inner and outer world to continue as intuitively we know that this is the right path now. Of course, we have no idea where such a path might lead, but we know that we are no longer happy to live a life of two halves or one of discord.

When we perceive our disconnection as discord, we intensify that feeling, but when we go with the shift as though it was part of the natural cycle then everything changes. The current shifts are happening for a reason and although we may not, as yet, fully understand the context of this, intuitively we know that it is part of our spiritual evolution. If we can surrender to this wholeheartedly and embrace the infinite possibilities that being out of sync can actually bring us, we begin to realise that we are not in fact moving towards fragmentation but moving towards coalescence and unification as the lives that we once lived no longer reflect our Truth. In other words, we are not moving out of sync but we are moving towards a new level of synchronisation instead.

This might be hard to comprehend as we seem to be moving away from all that we know, but this is the point as all that we know is changing. We are just not the same as we were last week, last month or last year, and the reality that once seemed so right now seems obsolete and out-of-date. As a result, once we become fully conscious of this, we realise that moving out of sync is a blessing for it is bringing us back home...